new bird call - cannot identify! Sydney

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a's picture
new bird call - cannot identify! Sydney

This bird has been in our yard for a few days now, I've never heard it before and wonder what it is. I can never see the bird as its in a bushy tree, but it sure is loud! It has three distinct calls, all of which you can hear in the clip (there were no other birds calling at the time). It is in Strathfield, Sydney, and calls in the morning and dusk. The quieter of the three calls sounds exactly like a figbird - but figbirds dont make the other two calls. I wonder if its a migrator?
Here is the link:

Ihope someone figures it out! I've asked many birders so far and no one knows!

Windhover's picture

Might all be a Figbird. Not too sure. That's my guess. Perhaps a young one in there? I have forwarded your Vimeo link to a few cluey folks, who may support my thoughts or suggest another species.

liz_nathan@hotm...'s picture

I hate not knowing!

Windhover's picture

So far my friends have suggested most likely a Figbird. Still waiting for some more responses from a couple of bird guide contacts. 

liz_nathan@hotm...'s picture

Thanks again!
Now that I listened to it again I think there are about 5  different calls, its just that the three quieter ones are similar. I havent heard him in the past day, perhaps he was only passing through? Hmm... still would love to know what it is.



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