A new visitor to my backyard - WBSE

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Karlbob's picture
A new visitor to my backyard - WBSE

I know these photos aren't fantastic, but I'm pretty happy to have seen this bird from my back yard.

I'm pretty sure it's a White-bellied Sea Eagle, but it was suggested on another page that it's an Osprey.. 

birdie's picture

No I would definitely say that is not an Osprey Karlbob. it could be a juvenile WBSE. One way to tell is by the wings and the way they fly. the Osprey has a jointed wing and can fold it's wings . When they flap it gives them a different wingbeat look. And they usually have a collar around their neck, the females being darker.

Sunshine Coast Queensland


Good onya mate, great to see one that close to home.......If thats an Osprey I will run naked up the Hume Hwy.
Its a WBSE mate :)

Karlbob's picture

Thank the Gods for that then Tassie..

I've never seen this bloke around my place before, and I spend a fair bit of time in the back yard staring at the sky. In my many fishing adventures I have seen WBSE's and watched them for hours, so I would have been surprised if I was wrong. There was a single crow tailing him for a while, then got chased by the eagle, but soon a pair of whistling kites joined the crow in chasing off the eagle, but he just flew high and let them have their fun, don't think he was really phased by them at all. This first shot he was straight over me, and I was pretty excited (at which point I usually muff something up like forget to adjust the shutter speed), so glad it came out reasonably well. 

Sunshine Coast, Queensland.

birdie's picture

Yes ...we can be thankful for small mercies Tassie ......  that is an image we could do without smiley

Sunshine Coast Queensland


Ha ha ha........All good, to cold anyway wink

Karen's picture

Lovely to see, and lucky too.  Would love to see these from my backyard.

Brisbane southside.

Windhover's picture

Almost an adult WBSE. You can still see some of the brown/buff markings remaining from the immature plumage.

Osprey? really? I wonder who'd have said that.....


Lmao, I think it was a little Birdie Akos.

birdie's picture

No way!!!!!   he posted this before I said anything....not guilty there cheeky

What the hell I should just delete you both lol  ....

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Karlbob's picture

Oh no, what have I started?! I'm gonna go hide now..

Sunshine Coast, Queensland.

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