This subforum has been created as a place for our weekly challenge threads to be stored. It can also be used for other challenges/games (e.g. the ID challenges) that people might like to post as a regular series or as a one-off. It is not for general identification or enquiries/questions.
Please note that each challenge will have its own set of rules/guidelines and be sure to read them before posting (don't be afraid to ask questions or for clarification). This is not to be strict or boring - its to make it challenging and fun to take part in Mistakes/misinterpretations happen though of course and we all understand that.
Have fun!
Further to this. If anyone posts a photo in a challenge thread that doesn't fit the theme I will contact them directly to alert them (may not be instantly though of course, especially over a weekend). They can then edit/remove their photo and this will ensure that the guidelines are clear and explained.
Surely there is no need for you to be tied to the computer to keep an eye out on whether people can follow rules though Holly? We are all capable of saying when someone has missed the point whether deliberately or accidentally. When asked then the person could just delete their own post??? having said that , I would be happy to moderate for the challenges if you wanted or for the weekends for that matter
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Not sure what has happen this week with the challenge
Maybe people are still away on holiday
Maybe they have lost interest
Maybe they dont have any HAPPY birds to share
What ever the reason I think it is a shame as I personally look forward to posting each week in the challenges. It seemed to take off and be a big hit when we done the ''third letter photo'' then the next week it went haywire with confusion and rules challenged putting a damper on things.
I am sure it must be hard to think up new challenges each week and I appreciate Holly's time and effort to keep them going. I think we should at least offer the same back with a little time and effort to contribute , respecting the guidelines and rules.
We are all manic bird lovers so we should have at least one ''happy'' photo to add . I can only add one more photo myself to this challenge this week , and I must admit I am tired at looking at my own photos, would love to be able to see and admire others . Start posting guys , lets keep this going !!!!!!!!
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Thanks guys - yes absolutely point out where posts don't quite fit, if something is skipped or a mistake is made etc - that is totally fine - I will just post a reminder directly as well (if the person hasn't picked up their error themselves or others haven't pointed it out) just to be sure that they are aware. I will do my best to make sure that the guidelines each week are nice and clear and easy to follow. If they are not - let me know!
Sometimes challenges grab people, and sometimes they don't. I don't take it personally shoop
I can't take credit for all the great challenges lately either, there have been some lovely suggestions coming through. We will get back on track.
Cheeky.... The Baby of my blackbird family.. Taken with iPhone from caravan window, Melbourne
Oops.. Unsure if that was allowed., new here and trying stuff out...Happy New Year
Its OK Jacqui! Welcome!
You can start your own thread in the Photos forum if you like. Give me a yell if you need a hand.