poor little cormorant

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dicutting10's picture
poor little cormorant

Saw this poor little guy down at Eden Harbour thre other day - he seemed to be coping all right but I was distressed seeing him and  obviously the hook was in there somewhere.


windshear's picture

Ouch! The poor thing!

darinnightowl's picture

that's the problem with fishing line , I seen a few birds  around my place with the same problem, always hard to catch them so I can help them.

See it!  Hear it!

Mid-North Coast NSW

rawshorty's picture

I can clearly see the hook in the chest/neck area.

Looking at the thickness of the line i would say the person who caught this bird would have had no problem getting the bird  in and remove the hook. Problem is some people are afraid that the bird will bite them and cut the line insteadangry

It is unfortunate that there are a few bad apples out there making the rest look bad.

Shorty......Canon gear



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