Never underestimate the instinct of even the cutest looking little bird.
The young Yellow Robin decided to sit on the Wren’s perch, far too close for them to allow it. Mother Yellow Robin sat nearby with a worm in her beak, ready to feed the young one.
Both male wrens and the female swiftly and ferociously set upon the Robin, stabbing it repeatedly in the neck. By the time I ran outside , the Robin was dead. Reality of nature at work.
You can still see the anger in the Wren's faces.They were sitting above the dead bird.
true though. nature is brutal.
Oh dear! Nature can be cruel, unfortunately.
Hi Elle, nice to see you again
As hard as it is to watch as a human bird-lover, it's just a case of a mum and dad protecting their home from a threat. The lines of what is whose territory isn't as clear cut as ours. Tragic for the robins though.
nasty little buggers
Incredible , i never realised terriorital disputes could get that deadly among the little ones
Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well
You should see what happens sometimes when humans dispute territory!