All my life I have been standing up for “the underdog” , I’m not going to change now. We went to Phillip Island today, I took some interesting photos of Swans, Fantails , and other birds, but the ones I like most, are some photos of a “Little Raven Baby”, one of the underdogs of the bird world. That’s why I like it so much. Hope you like it as much as I do?
the "underdog"
Sun, 30/12/2012 - 18:39

the "underdog"
Beautiful! I've always loved ravens. So cheeky and intelligent and amusing to watch. When I first came to AU I was dazzled by the showier birds like the parrots, and I soon learned to appreciate the less colorful birds too. Ravens here in AU have a completely different call than the ravens in the US. Ravens there stick to a plain old "caw caw caw", ravens in AU have always delighted me due to their mournful complaining calls. (I embarrass my children frequently trying to imitate those calls.) I like the ravens, currawongs and magpies for their elegant strength and big personalities.