was wondering if someone could tell me the name of this bird i see it quite regularly and today it landed on our fence in our yard so i quickly grabbed my camera and took a shot.
thanks Kerry
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I think it's a heron.
- soakes
Olinda, Victoria, Australia
White-faced Heron (as in my avatar)
yes i was just looking up herons and i found it white faced heron , ive been trying to get a photo of that bird for ages it decided to land close so i could get a pic
Are you regularly seeing this bird at or near your house, kerry? If so, what do you think might be attracting it?
yes i have seen this bird at all times of the day seen it at dawn flying up from the direction of a creek / drain area.
During the day was when i saw it yesterday, it flew onto our fence ive seen it in the yard before it just seems to take a break in our yard , i havent seen it feeding on anything in our yard.
Kerry, if your yard is damp it might be harbouring frogs which would attract the white-faced heron. Any thoughts?
do you have a fishpond that used to be stocked?
the bird doesnt seem to hang around for long he was just sitting on the fence and just stayed there then flew off, we do have frogs in the yard but havent seen it feeding thou
no we dont have a fishpond at all, but we arent far from a waterway/creek and i have seen it flying from that direction, maybe a pit stop for it