water bird id

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oconnore51's picture
water bird id

I am looking to id this water bird, thank you!

003 by Ann Connor, on Flickr

dwatsonbb's picture

As usual, I am no expert but thinking Little Black Cormorant, possibly immature, based on the brown rather than black feathers. I guess the other possibility is an immature Great Comorant, which based on feather colouring and the beak shape is credible. Wait for someone with more experience to confirm (I am still learning and occasionally offer advice to test my knowledge and learn more)

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

abulharith3's picture

Little black cormorant

Bashir Khan

oconnore51's picture

Thank you to both of you!  I take it that is an immature LBC Bashir?  I am only beginning to appreciate water birds, I have focused a lot more on bush birds up till now.


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