weather watchers

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mtck's picture
weather watchers

Has anyone else noticed the early arrival of Autumn?

Last week the first of the female Scarlet Robins returned to the valley below the mountains (mrs robins always appear weeks and weeks ahead of the old boys!). The Grey Shrike Thrush's have been coming and going nearly all summer (very confused birds they are) and there are more and more Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo's arriving with every rainfall event.

As well, a number of plants that are true Autumn flower jobs are flowering profusely.

When the Dusky Woodswallows arrive, then Autumn will well and truly have arrived. And its only the third week of February.

Araminta's picture

You are so right, I have posted a few photos of Scarlet Robins, they are here. The Grey Thrush stays all year at my place anyway. My dogs had grown some winter coat, but they are loosing it again, so there might be some more summer coming???


mtck's picture

Hi Araminta,

Perhaps you can help me with a posting query. When l add a post it has the edit tag still attached. What am l doing wrong?

Araminta's picture

If I'm not wrong(?), and I have done it, you can still change or correct your posts after you posted them, by clicking onto edit. I 've only corrected spelling mistakes once, you might be able to change more?? I'll try it out on my next post. Just before I wanted to post a photo, but it didn't appear on the thread, no idea why, that happened before, can you explain that to me??

(I just tried it, )


timmo's picture

Hey folks,

I bet it depends where you are...

The last 2 days here in Brissie have been some of our hottest this summer, around 35 degrees and sticky, so it still feels well and truly like summer here.

I think I will notice autumn coming more in the lack of evening light (comes with the lack of daylight savings). I really enjoy that hour or so of light for time in the garden after I get home.


Araminta's picture

..... at my place I noticed in the mornings when I get up, at 6.30, it is darkish now.


 and   @birdsinbackyards
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