where is the boobook nestbox construcion pics for boobook owl

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contact_1's picture
where is the boobook nestbox construcion pics for boobook owl

where is the boobook nestbox construction pics for boobook owl?

pacman's picture

Holly - I followed - Creating places, Nestboxes, Southern Boobook - and the page says some pics below of SB nestbox construction but the pics are absent

Contact - you will have to wait until Holly is back at work on Monday


Holly's picture

Gosh I am honestly not sure!

Those photos used to be there, will do some digging and see where they have got to.

prewettb's picture

Whilst some of the earlier construction photos appear to be missing, plans for all the nest boxes including Southern Boobook are still available as a downloadable PDF document.  Refer  >>> http://www.birdsinbackyards.net/Nest-box or http://www.birdsinbackyards.net/Nest-Box-Plans

For the specific Southern Bookbook nest box plan, Refer >>> http://www.birdsinbackyards.net/sites/www.birdsinbackyards.net/files/page/attachments/Southern%20Boobook.pdf

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