How do you pronounce 'Koel'?

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How do you pronounce 'Koel'?

This is the most intruging and irritating question for me because I really don't know how to correctly pronounce "Koel".

Is it "Coal-earl", or  "Coo-eel"?

Lots of my friends don't know how to pronounce it either.

I really hope some of us can have an answer to this eon old mystery. Thanks!!!

(Rest assured I can sleep easy tonight because I remembered to ask this question xD)

GregL's picture

I would pronounce it coe-ull, I think there are 2 syllables.

timmo's picture

I've heard it as both "coe-ull" as Greg suggests, or "coe-ell".


Night Parrot
Night Parrot's picture

At you can hear the pronunciation (in Americanese?).  

Woko's picture

I've always pronounced it koel as in Noel at Christmas.

Holly's picture

Woko wrote:


I've always pronounced it koel as in Noel at Christmas.


Me too Woko

GregL's picture

Holly does that mean you put the emphasis on the 2nd syllable, which is how I would say noel? (coe-ELLE) I would put the emphasis on the first syllable COE-ull, just my way of saying it.

Holly's picture

GregL wrote:


Holly does that mean you put the emphasis on the 2nd syllable, which is how I would say noel? (coe-ELLE) I would put the emphasis on the first syllable COE-ull, just my way of saying it.


I put the emphasis on the second syllable (coe-ELLE). I have heard both pronunciations used regularly though.

Araminta's picture

laugh this is funny and serious. You know what I do, when I'm not sure how to pronounce a word? I spell it and ask people , how would you say it? (that's if I know how to spell itwink)



Woko wrote:

I've always pronounced it koel as in Noel at Christmas.

That's exactly how I used to pronounce it =D

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