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davethewonder's picture

Hey all

Think it's a robin of some description. Was thinking Flame Robin? Photo taken in Blue Mountains NSW.  

Thanks everyone!

GregL's picture

Could be a female hooded robin with that wingbar - or maybe just another female golden whistler.

dna1972's picture

With the light ring around the eye and the white wingbar it looks like a female Flame Robin; perhaps Scarlet, but Scarlet ladies tend to have a light red patch on the breast. I don't know how anyone could even confuse a robin with a whistler. The dumpy body and the bill shape, the behaviour (on ground) are so typical of any of our local robin species.

Araminta's picture

As Akos said , it is a bit too uniform grey all over to be a femaleScarlet Robin. I saw one this afternoon, there is some light red on their chest. Not a Scarlet.


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