Yes, fantastic job everyone! Shoop, love that sheen on the Ibis. Oh that juv Crescent had me completely stumped when I first saw it, thought it was a juve Black-headed HE and had to get some serious outside help id'ing it That violet fades out very quickly I believe.
Well seeing as it is the last few hours of the challenge and nobody appears to be able to finish off the rainbow with violet then here is a White Necked Heron who definitely has some lovely violet tones
Indigo...Common Starling - more irridescence than true colour, so hope this one is o.k.? Up to Vivacious Violet again....
West Coast Tasmania
Thanks birdie , and yes the banded lapwing does have that resemblance doesn't he.
Annie does that honeyeater have that violet face as he gets older or does it fade out ?
I really didnt think we would get this far guys , great work in keeping it going .
Now for a Strawneck Ibis , I'm sure there must be a bit of VIOLET there somewhere.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Yes, fantastic job everyone! Shoop, love that sheen on the Ibis. Oh that juv Crescent had me completely stumped when I first saw it, thought it was a juve Black-headed HE and had to get some serious outside help id'ing it
That violet fades out very quickly I believe.
West Coast Tasmania
Red-backed Fairywren - Red
ORANGE- the forehead of a male Common Bronzewing.
Lemon-Bellied Flycatcher for YELLOW
Western Rosella (Female) - GREEN
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
White-winged Fairy Wren. Blue.
A Peafowl looks INDIGO to me. (not a native bird though, but neither is a Common Starling, so I thought I could post it?)
According to my M Morcombe App ... this dollarbird has violet in his wings ... sorry about theh poor picture quality
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Bit of RED eye here
The ORANGE hair doo of a Baby Eurasian Coot

Yellow, Striated Heron
Shorty......Canon gear
Whoops, posted the wrong colour. I'll wait until we get back to indigo.
Emerald Green eyes of a Great Cormorant.
West Coast Tasmania
A Blue-billed Duck.
I am assuming that Rick's Kingfisher was a Sacred so here is a Forest Kingfisher for Indigo.... I seem to miss out on all the other colours
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Worth waiting Birdie as the colours of your Kingfisher are beautiful. Sue
Thank you Sue818 ..... they are beautifully coloured aren't they?
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Well seeing as it is the last few hours of the challenge and nobody appears to be able to finish off the rainbow with violet then here is a White Necked Heron who definitely has some lovely violet tones
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Perfect timing to finish off this challenge.
Well done everyone - locking this thread now and will get working on setting up this week's challenge shortly.