Two Birds i'd love to Identify in our Backyard

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Two Birds i'd love to Identify in our Backyard

I can't find these birds and our area is heavily forested so it's hard for me to track them down with Binoculars until I trace the sound.  We live in a valley so the sound echoes and it's quite a bit of a challenge for my Birdwatching in the garden.

I have two birds i'd love to help identify

One is a bird that makes a really sad 'pew' whistle, like the one you hear from a Whistling Kite, except it's just a lonely 'pew'....'pew'....'pew'.....

Another is a bird that sort of reminds me of a Rainbow Lorikeet but it doesn't screech, instead it makes a parrot like falsetto flute song.

I just heard it right now as I wrote that last paragraph about this Parrot bird.

I hope I Can get help Identifying these two birds. thanks!

Araminta's picture

Do you have King Parrots around?

I just heard some Black Cockatoos go pew pew?


timmo's picture

It's very much guessing when it's a description of sound rather than sounds or pictures.

The things that come to mind with the "pew" noise for me are the cuckoos and the trillers.

(Edit: OK, so perhaps not that white-winged triller, but the varied triller which is not on BIBY)


Araminta's picture

Seriously Tim, you are proving a point, there is no way to describe a sound by using words.surprise. one person's Parrot is the next person's Cuckoo (or triller)

Unless one can hear it, no chance of telling .


GregL's picture

Horsfields bronze cuckoo mught be likely, also crested shrike tit has a descending call.

Location would be helpful.


@ Araminta yeah we have King Parrots quite commonly here.

@GregL Bardwell Park in (Sydney) l. Lots of bushland around us. Maybe next time i'll hear it i'll record it. We have Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos, but not red ones around here :( I listened to the call of the Horsfields bronze cuckoo and it sounds exactly like it but in a lower pitch. Maybe the 'pewing' bird is it?

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